Safe Tips On Online Loans

Fintech or financial technology is one technology that is skyrocketing today. The nation's children have not stopped innovating, many applications with innovative concepts and solutions were created to help people overcome economic problems. This financial technology is a fresh idea that emerged from the startup world, which utilizes applications to help Indonesians solve life problems, especially financial problems.

Choose a trusted online money loan provider, which has clear customer service and is easy to contact. In OJK regulations, online credit providers are required to provide services to resolve customer complaints. Even though it is done online, a contact center is something that must be available. Also pay attention to the fixed line telephone number, because some applications only have chatbot facilities or can only be contacted via email.

As a potential debtor, you should do some research on this beforehand. Look at the credibility of the place you want to apply for. Don't be easily lulled by the sweet promises of the loan provider even though you are in an urgent condition. Don't just because you are pressed, then you without careful consideration end up borrowing money without knowing well the background of the lender.

Do interest comparisons between online loan providers with one another and also compare those offered by banks. In addition to interest, you should also compare administration fees and start-up fees (provisions). In this case, the OJK has regulated the rational number of fees in POJK Number 77 / POJK.01/2016, which states that the organizers provide input on the interest rates offered by lenders and borrowers by taking into account the fairness and development of the national economy.

View loan term

Many people think that the longer the debt repayment period will make it easier. This is true because the longer the repayment period, the lighter the installments will be. But this also affects the value of interest that must be paid later. The longer you pay in installments, the higher the interest charged will be. It is better to choose a short loan tenor.

Choose an online loan provider registered with OJK

OJK stipulates that all online money loans must be registered with the OJK, because online loan companies must have clear legality, not fakes. By being registered with the OJK, customers have consumer protection, because online loan companies are required to comply with the regulations, ethics, and behavior set by the regulator. In addition, by being registered with the OJK, online fintech companies must at least follow OJK regulations which prohibit and will take firm action against inappropriate billing behavior and ethics to customers.

Prepare the necessary documents

Low-interest online loans always require personal documents. Therefore, prepare the document requirements before you apply for a loan. Personal documents that are commonly requested by banks are identification, such as ID cards and family cards, taxpayer identification numbers (NPWP), salary slips for employees, photocopies of credit cards, and domicile letters/business permits from the village if you are looking for a business loan. Although there are online loans that offer easy conditions, namely by only providing a little personal information when opening an account on a site or online loan application, it is possible that later you will be exposed to unreasonable loan interest.